Agra to Jaipur Bus Time Table

Planning a trip from Agra to Jaipur? Look no further! This article provides the latest bus timetable operated by Rajasthan Roadways, ensuring you have all the information you need for a smooth journey.

Distance from Agra to Jaipur: 248 KMs
Bus Fare from Agra to Jaipur: Rs. 284/- per passenger

Rajasthan Roadways operates buses daily on this route, making it a convenient option for travelers. Below is the detailed timetable for the Agra to Jaipur route:

Agra to Jaipur Bus Time Table

Departure TimeRouteViaBus Type
06:30 hrsAgra to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Semi Deluxe
08:20 hrsDhaulpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
08:30 hrsDhaulpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC AC Gandhi Rath
09:00 hrsFirozabad to AjmerBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
09:20 hrsDhaulpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
13:00 hrsKanpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
13:00 hrsDhaulpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
14:20 hrsDhaulpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
14:30 hrsAgra to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Super Luxury Low Fare
16:00 hrsKanpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
16:20 hrsDhaulpur to BanswaraBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
17:00 hrsDhaulpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
21:00 hrsFarrukhabad to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
22:20 hrsDhaulpur to KhatushyamBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Express
22:30 hrsFarrukhabad to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC Sleeper Semi Deluxe
23:00 hrsDhaulpur to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC AC Sleeper
23:59 hrsAgra to JaipurBharatpur, Mahua, Bandhi Kui Mod, DausaRSRTC AC Gandhi Rath

Important Note

Passengers are advised to confirm the latest timetable from the bus stand inquiry before leaving.

For more information and online bus ticket bookings, you can visit the official RSRTC website: RSRTC Online Bus Tickets.

We hope this guide helps you plan your journey efficiently. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out!

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